About Us

Your partner for professional web design, development, digital marketing, and more.

We are Creative Bee Design, LLC, an esteemed web design agency with a global reach, proudly serving clients from Arizona and Atlanta to clients all around the world. Our core focus lies in designing and developing professional websites for businesses and individuals, elevating their online presence through SEO, digital marketing, and more.

Founded in 2010 by two passionate sisters, Anaya Samuel and Nihara Samuel, Creative Bee Design has an intriguing origin. Anaya, an advertising and marketing director at a prominent publishing firm, and Nihara, a medical professional, decided to venture into web design when a friend asked for a website for her dentistry. The spark of creativity led them to say yes, igniting a journey that has flourished into a thriving and accomplished web design company.

Anaya, our visionary designer, breathes life into every project with her creativity and flair for crafting custom masterpieces. Meanwhile, Nihara, our technical expert, ensures that each website functions flawlessly, turning ideas into functional realities. Together, we take immense pride in Creative Bee Design, cherishing the growth and success it has attained since its humble beginnings.

An image of Anaya Samuel and Nihara Samuel

At Creative Bee Design, our mission is to go beyond delivering a professionally built website that's visually appealing and highly functional. We strive to become your trusted partner, catering to all your online requirements. As a full-service web design company, we cover a broad spectrum of services, including graphic design, Webflow development, print design, SEO, and digital marketing. Even if you need something beyond our expertise, we're committed to assisting you in finding the right solutions.

Unlike other agencies, we prioritize building lasting relationships with our clients. Our goal isn't just to create your website and move on; we want to be there throughout your journey to help your business thrive. By fostering a strong partnership, we aim to contribute to your business growth and success. At Creative Bee Design, you can count on dedicated support and personalized attention that goes beyond mere project completion. Let us be your strategic ally in navigating the dynamic online landscape.

Our Team

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webflow expert

Alex morgan

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An image of Alex Morgan
digital marketing & SEO

sonia james

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An image of Sonia James